Victim Impact Panel Atlanta
North Buckhead Driving and DUI School has a Victim Impact Panel February 20thfrom 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm. The keynote speakers are Eric Krug and Chris Sandy! They will share their detailed stories about the consequences of driving and driving without judging or blaming the attendees.
Please call us at 678-510-2099 to reserve your space. This Victim Impact Panel Buckheadwill fill up fast.
We here at North Buckhead Driving and DUI School are trying to make the roads a little safer. We are a leading Atlanta DUI School with weekly DUI / Risk Reduction Classes as well as Atlanta Defensive Driving Classes. You can sign up by calling our office at (678) 510-2099 or by visiting our website at and using our secure registration system.
Remember, we’re Atlanta’s first choice for: