Alcohol and Drug Evaluations
Under Georgia law, anyone receiving a DUI after July 1, 2008 must undergo a drug and alcohol clinical evaluation in addition to completing the DUI/Risk Reduction 20-hour program. But, there are many other alcohol and drug related offenses for which a clinical evaluation may be required. Upon completion of your evaluation, it may be that further treatment is recommended, but this is certainly not always the case.
North Buckhead Driving & DUI School has some wonderful, experienced counselors, all of whom are certified and approved by the State of Georgia and are available to perform all types of clinical evaluations for the student. Because of our counselors’ popularity, their schedules do fill up, so appointments are necessary. We are now offering the evaluations virtually. Please call our office at (678) 510-2099 to schedule one.
As with all of our services, all student records, results, and conversations are kept completely confidential.
DHR certified and approved by the State of Georgia.