The national DOT is exploring new technology aimed at prevent drinking and driving. This new technology would incorporate a touch based sensor to determine whether or not the driver had been drinking and would be installed in new cars. If the driver’s blood alcohol content exceeded the legal limit, the car would not start.
A competing technology would operate along the same lines and with the same goal. However, it would determine the driver’s BAC by measuring the alcohol in air in the car.
As of now, these technologies would be optional. However, there is already talk by some organizations of making one or the other, or some similar technology, mandatory.
We here at North Buckhead Driving and DUI School are trying to make the roads a little safer. We have weekly DUI / Risk Reduction Classes as well as Defensive Driving Classes. You can sign up by calling our office at (678) 510-2099 or by visiting our website at and using our secure registration system
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