According to an article I found in the AJC this morning, Municipal courts in metro Atlanta are trying to figure out how to re-open safely after being shut down for more than a month. All courts have been closed under a judicial state of emergency due to expire May 13th. The GA Supreme Court is allowing municipal courts to expand their use of video to conduct business, but many in metro Atlanta have not chosen to do so. They are trying to figure out how to get back up and running in person. I will keep you posted.
Please call North Buckhead Driving and DUI School at (678) 510-2099 if you would like to schedule or visit our website at We are a leading Atlanta DUI School with weekly DUI / Risk Reduction Classes as well as Defensive Driving Classes. You can sign up by calling our office at (678) 510-2099 or by visiting our website at and using our secure registration system.