Georgia DUI for Woman Driving Golf Cart
Suspect struck another woman with cart during Halloween event
Police in Dougherty County, Georgia report an accident involving an intoxicated woman operating a golf cart. Cathering Chandler was driving her cart arounf 9:00 pm without headlights during an outdoor Halloween party when she hit Chrystal Potter. Potter suffered serious injuriest to her legs and was taken to an Albany hospital.
Chandler, 40, was arrested for driving under the influence in Georgia, serious injury by vehicle, and reckless driving.
This wouldn’t have been funny even if someone had not been serously injured. It just goes to show you that can’t take how much you’ve had to drink for granted, even if you’re not operating a car. Anytime you’re operating a vehicle capable of hurting someone, you’re DUI. Of course, boating under the influence, BUI, is well known. But, did you know that you can get in trouble for biking while under the influence in most states?
We here at North Buckhead Driving and DUI School are trying to make the roads a little safer. We have weekly DUI / Risk Reduction Classes as well as Defensive Driving Classes. You can sign up by calling our office at (678) 510-2099 or by visiting our website at and using our secure registration system
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